For a long while, I debated whether or not to go back to school after taking a 9-year hiatus from undergrad. In the back of my mind, I was thinking that colleges and universities weren't closing anytime soon, I was frustrated with my experience during my anticipated final semester, and I made my way this far in my career - why would I consider going back? Well, life has a funny way of telling you things you need to hear, and it took a handful of people and conversations to encourage me to pursue Higher Ed considering where I want to be ~10 years from now, personally and professionally (if there's such a thing as separating the two). Doing my own thing, following my passion, doing I what I love... all the inspirational quotes you see pop up on your IG feed, I pursued. And it was difficult, especially because I was trying to "fulfill my dreams" while making money at the same time and jumping over to another project that excited me, without finishing what I started. However, I'll say I wouldn't have these last 5 years and some change any other way. There are countless lessons I've learned, some pitfalls I could've avoided had I just asked for help, and relationships that could have either been avoided or repaired had I chose to stay in one particular role and location.
Recently during an interview, I was asked: if you had to pick one, making money or helping people. (*in my head* I want to make a sh*t ton of money and help people, why do I have to pick one?!) I replied with, make an impact, help people, and make money while doing those things. The jury is still out determining whether or not that answer landed me the job.
If there was a title to this chapter in my life, it'd be called Patience: Just What the Doctor Ordered. By definition, Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. At this point, I believe that patience requires an understanding of what you want + what you bring to the table. I know what I want, I know what I'm capable of bringing, and I also know that that there are tools to help me finesse said capabilities: see education. Which brings me to this notion of an accidental marathon. Or at least to the realization that I don't have to jump to 'the next thing' because it sounds intriguing.
An accidental marathon, in this case, means that I'm taking the time to fine tune what I'm really great at, this time with a plan.