
on decision making

Soon after I finished my internship with the Heat, I was on the job hunt. I worked a few months in retail to cover basic expenses but was still drawn to working in sports and wanted to find my way back in the industry. I applied and scored interviews with a few major league teams in South Florida, and if there's one common factor about working in the sports industry it's that everyone knows everyone - regardless of which sport you work for.

Blessed with being a libra and someone who wants to try everything at least once, at times I'm conflicted on what choice to make when faced with two great opportunities. #firstworldproblems

One day in Spring 2007, I received an offer to work for the Dolphins. The next day, my former boss at the Heat called and told me there's a position available starting that June. Small world, indeed.

Filled with excitement mixed with anxiety, I remember watching an intense and close NCAA basketball game that evening talking through the decision with my then boyfriend on what team I should work for. Whatever team ended up winning (my memory isn't the best), I'd take the Heat position.

Most choices I've been faced with have been decided in a similar fashion. Instead of over analyzing why one place or job or restaurant is the better option for me, I resort to a little twist of fate. Flip a coin or if XYZ team wins then I'll go here, if they lose, I'll go here instead.

Luckily the outcome of the game back in March 2007 helped finesse my most exciting career for the next five years.