what I've learned, thus far.

Spending time alone - specifically on a plane for countless hours with no access to internet/phone/distractions - is the greatest time to reflect. As the year winds down to a close, I took some time to dig deep into what I've learned over the past eleven months and here's what I came up with:

  • Life is simple.

  • You don't need a ton of money to travel.

  • Pay attention to things and people around you.

  • Get rid of clutter - donate/sell anything you haven't used in six months.

  • Make conscious decisions based on what feels right to you, not based on what others say.

  • Read blogs/articles/books by people who share your desires.

  • Inspire those who inspire you. (taken/stolen from the great Coach Riley)

  • Don't get too high, don't get too low. Stay in the moment. (taken/stolen from LBJ circa May 2012)

  • Over thinking decisions and over analyzing them leads to doubt and uncertainty.  Go with your gut and initial instinct.

  • Be honest with yourself and with others.

  • Listen to DMB "Sweet." Repeatedly.