Life gives me words. It’s the actions I do, the places I go and the beauty of what’s around me that gives me fuel to write. I’m noticing more each day how I naturally gravitate to dedicating late nights to reflection and putting my thoughts to paper. Earlier today I was asked what does personal development mean [to me], and in what ways do I see myself needing to improve.
The premise and basic foundation of this craft is to always strive to get better every day. No matter what it is that you do, diving in to your skills, figuring out what you can improve on – whether it’s through education, teaching or experimentation – is the only way to grow.
It’s the experimentation of my daily schedule that I know needs improvement. When I was employed and had a “9-5ish “job, I didn’t really have to put too much thought into my schedule. I got in at 9am, replied to emails for about an hour, recorded data, made some calls, then it was lunch at noon. Back from lunch, check/reply to emails, set/conduct meetings, then it was time to go home…or stay for another six hours if there was a game.
Now my day is a lot different in the sense that I literally create my own schedule. I’m not as focused on sending emails or ideating, so to say, in the morning. I tend to gravitate to reading articles that are meant to inspire and spark the creative light in me. Mid-day I focus on exploring everything related to health & fitness, and in the evenings is when I put my ideas and thoughts to paper.
It’s a simple format, but it’s not necessarily easy to do day in and day out. I’m still struggling with finding times where I’m most productive at each of these times. What I have noticed is that when I envision what I want my schedule to look like each day and what goals I want to accomplish, I get sh*t done.
With this vision set, I dive in to each day with gusto and it feels great.