Turning down a job offer “in this economy” is one thing. Turning down a job offer that pays more than your other option, is another. Turning down a job offer that pays more not knowing 100% if you even got the other offer is ballsy. Call me cocky, at least you’re callin’. Wait. No. That’s not how the saying goes. Call me crazy, yes. But there are tons of people who have done this, and those are the type of people who tend to be successful. (Whatever that means to you). Those are the same people who take risks, fail, fall down, get back up, and take on the challenge of being, well, challenged. Over and over again.
Not settling for just another job – seven months after willingly being unemployed – is risky. But I knew I would absolutely dislike everything about the more paying job. Spending these past few months reading hundreds of articles, watching dozens of interviews and talking to like-minded crazy people, helped me realize that there are always options out there if you’re willing to pay attention and do the work. I've learned too much to brush it all away to just settle for what's safe.
I’m thankful for this opportunity and for the people who helped spark this light within me to keep moving. I’ll gladly take the offer of building my own book of business, developing new skills and ultimately helping others live better, over a higher paying, unwanted job, any day.