Two years ago today, I fell in love. No, I'm not engaged or anything, but I'm proud to say I am committed to CrossFit.
This date will always be special to me because of the magnitude of how much CrossFit has helped me to become a stronger (both mentally and physically) and more confident person.
Thank you to Marcela for convincing me to try out a WOD and for being the catalyst in signing me up.
Thank you to Giannina and Patricia for being crazy enough to do our first official workout at the butt-crack of dawn. (Never again!)
Thank you to the Reebok CrossFit MB, IMT and 5th Ave. coaches who have pushed me beyond what I ever thought I could be able to do.
Two years later, I'm still sore, I still have room for improvements and am continuously learning new techniques and skills.
CF hasn't become easier over these past two years. It's the pursuit of going beyond my limits that have made the hard parts worth while.